/** * Created by Victor Häggqvist on 1/12/16. */ import {CSSUtil} from './CSSUtil' import {animate} from './animate' import {LightDirection} from './LightDirection' var log = require('loglevel'); log.setDefaultLevel(log.levels.DEBUG); export class LightBox { constructor(targetSelector, options = {}) { log.info('LightBox'); this.targets = document.querySelectorAll(targetSelector); log.debug(this.targets); log.debug('HAS_TOUCH '+LightBox.HAS_TOUCH); const defaultOptions = { allowedTypes: 'png|jpg|jpeg|gif', selectorId: 'imagelightbox', animationSpeed: 350, preloadNext: true, enableKeyboard: true, quitOnEnd: false, quitOnImgClick: false, quitOnDocClick: true, }; this.options = Object.assign(options, defaultOptions); log.info(this.options); this.target = null; this.image = null; this.imageWidth = 0; this.imageHeight = 0; this.swipeDiff = 0; this.inProgress = false; this.swipeStart = 0; this.swipeEnd = 0; this.imagePosLeft = 0; this.onStartListeners = []; this.onEndListeners = []; this.onLoadStartListeners = []; this.onLoadEndListeners = []; this.bindEvents(); } bindEvents() { Array.prototype.forEach.call(this.targets, ele => { ele.addEventListener('click', this.onImageClick.bind(this)); }); window.addEventListener('resize', this.windowResizeListener.bind(this)); if (this.options.quitOnDocClick) { document.body.addEventListener(LightBox.HAS_TOUCH ? 'touchend' : 'click', this.documentClick.bind(this)); } if (this.options.enableKeyboard) { document.body.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyboard.bind(this)); } //document.querySelector('#'+this.options.selectorId).addEventListener('click', this.floatingImageClick.bind(this)); } handleKeyboard(e) { if (this.image === null) return true; e.preventDefault(); if (e.keyCode === 27) this.quitLightbox(); if (e.keyCode === 37 || e.keyCode === 39) { let gotoIndex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.targets, this.target) - (e.keyCode === 37 ? 1 : -1); if (gotoIndex > this.targets.length-1) { this.target = this.targets[0]; } else if (gotoIndex < 0) { this.target = this.targets[this.targets.length -1]; } else { this.target = this.targets[gotoIndex]; } this.loadImage(); } } documentClick() { log.debug('document click'); if (this.image !== null && this.target.href === this.image.src) { log.info('quitting'); this.quitLightbox(); } } quitLightbox() { log.debug('quitLightbox'); if (this.image === null) return false; CSSUtil.setTransitionProperty(this.image, 'opacity '+this.options.animationSpeed/1000+'s linear'); setTimeout(() => { // without timeout it's to fast to make it fade and just jumps to 1 instant this.image.style.opacity = 0; }, 5); setTimeout(() => { this.removeImage(); this.inProgress = false; this.onEndListeners.forEach(l => l()); }, this.options.animationSpeed); } onImageClick(event) { console.log(event); let element = event.srcElement.parentElement; //console.log(this.isTargetValid(element)); if (!this.isTargetValid(element)) return true; event.preventDefault(); if (this.inProgress) return; this.inProgress = false; this.onStartListeners.forEach(l => l()); this.target = element; this.loadImage(); } isTargetValid(element) { let validTypes = new RegExp("(\.("+this.options.allowedTypes+")$)"); return element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && validTypes.test(element.href); } loadImage(direction = false) { log.info('loadImage'); if (this.inProgress) return false; log.debug('not progress'); if (this.image !== null) { log.debug('has current image'); if (direction !== false && (this.targets.length < 2 || (this.options.quitOnEnd === true && ( (direction === LightDirection.RIGHT && Array.prototype.indexOf(this.targets, this.target) === 0) || (direction === LightDirection.LEFT && Array.prototype.indexOf(this.targets, this.target) === targets.length - 1) ) ) ) ) { //quitLightbox(); return false; } log.debug('unload'); CSSUtil.setTransitionProperty(this.image, 'opacity '+this.options.animationSpeed/1000+'s linear'); let transitionArgs = '0px'; if (direction !== false) { transitionArgs = (100 * direction) - this.swipeDiff + 'px'; } this.image.style.transform = 'translateX('+transitionArgs+')'; setTimeout(() => { // without timeout it's to fast to make it fade and just jumps to 1 instant this.image.style.opacity = 0; }, 5); setTimeout(() => { log.debug('remove from dom'); this.removeImage(); }, this.options.animationSpeed); this.swipeDiff = 0; } this.inProgress = true; this.onLoadStartListeners.forEach(l => l()); setTimeout(() => { log.debug('loadImage in'); let image = new Image(); this.image = image; image.onload = () => { image.id = this.options.selectorId; log.debug('img loaded'); document.body.appendChild(image); this.setImage(); image.style.opacity = 0; let interpretedSpeed = this.options.animationSpeed/1000; log.debug(interpretedSpeed); CSSUtil.setTransitionProperty(image, 'opacity '+interpretedSpeed+'s ease'); image.style.transform = 'translateX(0px)'; setTimeout(() => { // without timeout it's to fast to make it fade and just jumps to 1 instant image.style.opacity = 1; }, 10); setTimeout(() => { this.inProgress = false; this.onLoadEndListeners.forEach(l => l()); }, this.options.animationSpeed); if (this.options.preloadNext) { let index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.targets, this.target); let next = this.targets[index + 1]; if (next !== null && next !== undefined) { log.debug('preloading next'); let nextImg = new Image(); nextImg.src = next.href; } else { log.debug('no preloading'); } } }; image.src = this.target.href; this.swipeStart = 0; this.swipeEnd = 0; //this.imagePosLeft = 0; if (LightBox.HAS_POINTERS) { image.addEventListener('pointerup', this.imageClickEvent.bind(this)); image.addEventListener('MSPointerUp', this.imageClickEvent.bind(this)); } else { image.addEventListener('click', this.imageClickEvent.bind(this)); } ['touchstart', 'pointerdown', 'MSPointerDown'].forEach(name => { image.addEventListener(name, this.imageTouchStart.bind(this)); }); ['touchmove', 'pointermove', 'MSPointerMove'].forEach(name => { image.addEventListener(name, this.imageTouchMove.bind(this)); }); ['touchend', 'touchcancel', 'pointerup', 'MSPointerUp'].forEach(name => { image.addEventListener(name, this.imageTouchEnd.bind(this)); }); }, this.options.animationSpeed + 100) } removeImage() { let image = document.querySelector('#'+this.options.selectorId); document.body.removeChild(image); this.image = null; } imageClickEvent(e) { e.preventDefault(); log.debug('click'); if (this.options.quitOnImgClick) { L.i('implement this'); //quitLightbox(); return false; } if (this.wasTouched(e)) return true; var posX = e.pageX - e.target.offsetLeft; log.debug(posX); let gotoIndex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.targets, this.target) - (this.imageWidth / 2 > posX ? 1 : -1); if (gotoIndex > this.targets.length-1) { this.target = this.targets[0]; } else if (gotoIndex < 0) { this.target = this.targets[this.targets.length -1]; } else { this.target = this.targets[gotoIndex]; } this.loadImage(); } imageTouchStart(e) { if (!this.wasTouched(e) || this.options.quitOnImgClick) return true; this.swipeStart = e.pageX || e.touches[0].pageX; } imageTouchMove(e) { if (!this.wasTouched(e) || this.options.quitOnImgClick) return true; e.preventDefault(); this.swipeEnd = e.pageX || e.touches[0].pageX; this.swipeDiff = this.swipeStart - this.swipeEnd; this.image.style.transform = 'translateX('+ (-this.swipeDiff) + 'px)'; //CSSUtil.setTransitionProperty(this.image, 'transform 0s linear'); } imageTouchEnd(e) { if (!this.wasTouched(e) || this.options.quitOnImgClick) return true; log.debug(this.swipeDiff); if (Math.abs(this.swipeDiff) > 50) { let gotoIndex = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(this.targets, this.target) - ( this.swipeDiff < 0 ? 1 : -1 ); if (gotoIndex > this.targets.length-1) { this.target = this.targets[0]; } else if (gotoIndex < 0) { this.target = this.targets[this.targets.length -1]; } else { this.target = this.targets[gotoIndex]; } let direction = this.swipeDiff > 0 ? LightDirection.RIGHT : LightDirection.LEFT; this.loadImage(direction); } else { this.image.style.transform = 'translateX(0px)'; //CSSUtil.setTransitionProperty(this.image, 'transform '+ options.animationSpeed / 1000 +'s linear'); } } setImage() { if (!this.image) return false; let screenWidth = window.innerWidth * 0.8; let screenHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.9; let tmpImage = new Image(); tmpImage.src = this.image.src; tmpImage.onload = () => { this.imageWidth = tmpImage.width; this.imageHeight = tmpImage.height; if (this.imageWidth > screenWidth || this.imageHeight > screenHeight) { let ratio = this.imageWidth / this.imageHeight > screenWidth / screenHeight ? this.imageWidth / screenWidth : this.imageHeight / screenHeight; this.imageWidth /= ratio; this.imageHeight /= ratio; } this.image.style.width = this.imageWidth + 'px'; this.image.style.height = this.imageHeight + 'px'; this.image.style.top = (window.innerHeight - this.imageHeight) / 2 + 'px'; this.image.style.left = (window.innerWidth - this.imageWidth) / 2 + 'px'; }; } wasTouched(event) { if (LightBox.HAS_TOUCH) return true; if (!LightBox.HAS_POINTERS || typeof event === 'undefined' || typeof event.pointerType === 'undefined') return false; if (typeof event.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE !== 'undefined') { if (event.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE !== event.pointerType) return true; } else { if (event.pointerType !== 'mouse') return true; } return false; }; windowResizeListener() { log.debug('resized'); this.setImage(); } addOnStartListener(listener) { this.onStartListeners.push(listener); } addOnEndListener(listener) { this.onEndListeners.push(listener); } addOnLoadStartListener(listener) { this.onLoadStartListeners.push(listener); } addOnLoadEndListener(listener) { this.onLoadEndListeners.push(listener); } registerPlugin(plugin) { plugin.register(this); } } LightBox.HAS_TOUCH = ('ontouchstart' in window); LightBox.HAS_POINTERS = window.navigator.pointerEnabled || window.navigator.msPointerEnabled;