# Test language: python sudo: false python: - "2.7" script: - pebble-dev/${PEBBLE_SDK}/bin/pebble build before_install: - wget http://assets.getpebble.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/sdk2/${PEBBLE_SDK}.tar.gz -O PebbleSDK.tar.gz - wget http://assets.getpebble.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/sdk/arm-cs-tools-ubuntu-universal.tar.gz - mkdir pebble-dev - tar -zxf PebbleSDK.tar.gz -C pebble-dev - tar -zxf arm-cs-tools-ubuntu-universal.tar.gz -C pebble-dev/${PEBBLE_SDK} # notice we don't create a virtualenv, travis to that be default already install: - pip install --upgrade pip # just to future proof, since travis seem to hang behind - pip install --install-option="--no-cython-compile" cython - "pip install -r pebble-dev/${PEBBLE_SDK}/requirements.txt" - touch pebble-dev/NO_TRACKING env: global: - PEBBLE_SDK=PebbleSDK-3.6.2